Talking Point: Four-letter Words
Created | Updated Sep 24, 2003

Four-letter words. What a funny euphemism. But actually, a cursory flick through one's mental dictionary picking out the naughty words here and there does in fact reveal that lots of these disgusting utterances comprise just that - four letters! And how can four tiny weeny letters arranged in a certain order, cause such shock and offence? (For instance, the word 'work' has been known to make certain staff members at h2g2 pass out.)
But seriously folks, this week we're talking foul language. Do swear words supply, as one journalist calls it, 'industrial' grit to contemporise and steel-up modern-day language? Do they add anything? Or is it all a load of old crap?
Get talking. And mind your bloody language!
Swearing - is it bad language or simply language?
Is there too much swearing on TV?
Does it detract from what someone is trying to say?
Or are swear words simply the way that people speak, and should therefore be considered acceptable and normal?
Irving Welsh or Jane Austen?
Graphic supplied by Community Artist Peet the Pedantic.