A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 61

Secretly Not Here Any More

Looks alright on my Mrs... smiley - winkeye

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 62

aka Bel - A87832164

Good for her then. smiley - biggrin

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 63

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - bluelightAhemsmiley - bluelight

smiley - biggrin

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 64


From post 2: "There are still several orphaned challenges as far as i know"

Is there a list? I fancy a t-shirt and since they're not handing them out for 25 entries...


Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 65

aka Bel - A87832164

There are a few currently announced on the Front Page, maybe have a look there?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 66

aka Bel - A87832164

Or rather- there were yesterday. smiley - erm
From memory, they want an entry about Aberdeen, and two others I don't recall.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 67

Secretly Not Here Any More

If there isn't a list of untaken challenges, there should be.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 68

I'm not really here


I've got three original t-shirts, two black with the logos in different places on the front, and one white, a large white one, and one of the newer blues ones.

What gets most wear? The original one I bought, but I'm not a fan of huge baggy t-shirts anyway. Wouldn't part with them though!

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 69

Gnomon - time to move on

I've got a blue one and a white one.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 70

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

Nobody's getting a T-Shirt from me unless they write an entry that really impresses me.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 71

Secretly Not Here Any More

And nobody's getting one from me, because I can't get hold of mine.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 72

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Anyone want to give me yet another T'Shirt for the History of Aston Martin?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 73

Secretly Not Here Any More

Not particularly, I think you've got enough t-shirts.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 74

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I could always auction it off or sell it on ebay smiley - laugh

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 75

Secretly Not Here Any More

Well that's hardly fair. Then people get a t-shirt for having an ebay account and some money! That's even more despicable than giving t-shirts to people who've written a specific entry but not those who've written hundreds!

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 76

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - rolleyes
I was having a laugh, who would seriously buy an h2g2 t'shirt from ebay

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 77

Felonious Monk - h2g2s very own Bogeyman

People can do what they want with the T-shirt: it's their property after all. The T-shirts weren't specifically devised as a means of rewarding initiative, were they? They just conveniently happened to serve that purpose. And, if like me, you don't wear T-shirts because you don't like being a walking billboard - *for anything*, not just h2g2 - then you might as well convert it into something that you do value. So, if someone has won one and doesn't want it, why the hell shouldn't they sell it?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 78

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I've only worn one of the one's I've got twice, the other one is still in it's packet and I don't think Aston Martin is on the list of T'Shirt challenges, although it bloody well should be. I'd have written it anyway as I love the cars and I used to live about half a mile away from where they were orginally built not becoause I want another t'Shirt

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