A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 21

aka Bel - A87832164

>>it seems to be aimed at UK based researchers<<

Well, I think 'seems' is the crucial word here. I can't see a reason why non-UK-based researchers wouldn't be able to find out about Helen Mirren or British trees for example, and I've started researching about the Karmann Ghia, which is a German car. I don't think that metal detecting is UK specific, either.
I can't for the life of me see what's wrong or unfair with offering a t-shirt for a change, it livens things up, as does the new scrolling quote on the FP.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 22

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

"I can't for the life of me see what's wrong or unfair with offering a t-shirt for a change"

Is it fair to all those people who regularly contribute to the guide for love of the site who have had no reward

And talking of Bandwagons, are we going to get challenges to write entries for Judi Dench, Kate Winslet, Stephen Frears, Paul Greengrass and Sacha Baron Cohen, while a begging plea is put out to rescue the WIP version of Peter O'Toole, all in time for the FP on Oscar Night?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 23

aka Bel - A87832164

>>Is it fair to all those people who regularly contribute to the guide for love of the site who have had no reward<<

I think you've answered your own question here: they contribute because they love the site, not to get a reward. I haven't written many entries, but I never thought of a reward when I did so. If it's such a problem to you if I get a t-shirt for my next entry, I'll ask the eds to send it to you instead.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 24

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

You obviously didn't read the first part of my first post, I've already got 2 and if I remember rightly didn't your hubby get one last time we met in London?

Anyway I'm too busy to write for the guide, I just thought that waving a t-shirt in the face of the member was a bit of a cheap way to get people writing and not fair to those who have contibuted a large amount of material and all they got for their troubles was a pretty new badge on their PS

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 25

aka Bel - A87832164

Yes, I know that you won one t-shirt, but remind me, how did you get the other one? Was it for your work for <./>thepost</.>? Has everybody who has regularly contributed to The Post got a t-shirt? Did you complain then and say it was unfair that you got it?
And as we're at it: do you think it's any fairer to give t-shirts to people who win a pub quiz (and at a meet not everybody has the opportunity to go to), than to give it for a challenge every researcher could take up?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 26

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

I think I got the first one in a debate, God only knows why as I usually get threatened with pre modding and suspension every time I enter a debate. My work for the Post was never recognised, not by the Italics and certainly not by the readers. Why don't you ask the organizers of the Meets and the Italics why they think it's fair give out T-shirts at the pub quiz 'cos I sure as hell don't know. We really need a bit more clarification, Is it open to ALL researchers? Is there a time limit? what happens if 2 people work on the piece?

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 27

aka Bel - A87832164

I don't ask the eds about the t-shirts, because I don't have a problem with others winning them, getting them for a challenge or even getting them for no apparent reason. I only wondered because apparently, you didn't have a problem with getting your t-shirts, but it looks as if you're having a problem with other people getting one.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 28

The H2G2 Editors

Hello all,

First of all - this was meant to be a little bit of fun for all of us. We've had a few positive comments about it as well.

We don't really feel it's unfair at all as it doesn't discriminate for or against a particular group - there will be plenty of topics to come and there are still plenty of unadopted Challenges. It's there to act as a small incentive. We want people to address gaps in the guide, and we have T-shirts to give away: and, going by our Producer Guidelines, BBC competitions are meant to have some sort of 'challenge' at their basis. (Though we've given T-shirts away at the London meets - which of course is unfair to people outside of London!)

We could, of course just stop ordering merchandise and drop this. But we've been genuinely thrilled that people have taken up these challenges.

As for the choice of subjects, it's entirely random and we make no apology for that - it's as much about the Editors' whims as it is the gaps in the guide. We're just having a bit of fun. We've tried to mix popular figures with more obscure subjects.

*But*, regarding the point about the Oscars (for example): We have to constantly try and present this site as relevant and gain interest from other parts of the BBC. It's sometimes easier to get attention (from other sites) if we have a series of themed series of Entries about the Oscars - for example. We do benefit from being topical.

That said, we do thank you all for your feedback.

h2g2 Editors

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 29

Demon Drawer

The guide already has an edited entry on the Oscars A706781 I should know I wrote it.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 30

The H2G2 Editors

In answer to Reefgirl, for now it's open to all Researchers and there is no time limit - we've specified that the T-shirt is sent out when the Entry hits the front page. Entries should be worked on by one person, as it's easier for us to administer.

We're sorry you feel it's been unfair to give away items at the meet-ups as well.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 31

The H2G2 Editors

Hello Demon Drawer,

We're aware of the Oscars Entry - we meant in relation to Reefgirl's point about us asking for a Peter O'Toole Entry (for example).

The Editors

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 32

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Cheers Ed's I'm satisfied now, just sorry I don't have the time to challenge for T-Shirt number 3 smiley - winkeye

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 33

Demon Drawer

Wonders which ed is so formal as to call me by my full name rather than DD?

This place is not the same as when all this was goo fields as far as the eye could see. smiley - winkeye

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 34

The H2G2 Editors

h2g2 Editors' Challenge T-shirts for goalposts... smiley - winkeye

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 35

aka Bel - A87832164

>>We're sorry you feel it's been unfair to give away items at the meet-ups as well<<

I do hope you didn't understand that this is what I feel, because I think it's wonderful that you do, I was merely trying to get my point through and I hope you'll give some away again next time. smiley - ok

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 36

The H2G2 Editors

We'll do our best. smiley - winkeyesmiley - ok

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 37

Gnomon - time to move on

Moniker, the Eds are allowed to ship a T-shirt outside the borders of the UK.

They sent me one a while ago.

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 38

Gnomon - time to move on

>>We have to constantly try and present this site as relevant

So a series of Entries about the Byzantine Empire are just what you're looking for, then?

smiley - tongueout

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 39

The H2G2 Editors

Well, not necessarily so. I very much enjoyed *last night's* BBC Four programme, Art of Eternity - The Glory of Byzantium, presented by Andrew Graham-Dixon. He travelled to Istanbul to look at Byzantine art and to discuss the iconography of the Byzantine Empire. Justinian, Theadora, Bardas - they were all there, in twinkling mosaic.

In fact, your entries are so 'relevant' they're achingly hip.smiley - cheers

Isn't the t-shirt challenge a tad unfair?

Post 40

Gnomon - time to move on

Don't talk to me about aching hips.smiley - cross

smiley - winkeye

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