A Conversation for Challenge h2g2

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 1


Located in the Midlands, Leicestershire is well-known for its top-quality cheese. But what about its rich history? The vibrant towns? And pies from Melton Mowbray? Share your knowledge with the rest of us! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 2

Beer Elf

Leicestershire born and raised, I'd like a wild stab at this, unless anyone else fancies it? smiley - blush

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 3


Hey, Sparky - you're the first person to volunteer, so as far as I'm concerned, it's yours to do with as you wish! smiley - smiley

Cheers!smiley - ok


UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 4


I'm delighted to announce that we already have two County entries in Peer Review, waiting to receive any bouquets or brickbats that people might lob in their general direction! If you're currently either working on or contributing to a County entry of your own right now, you might like to have a quick look to see how some other researchers have tackled this challenge. They are: County Fermanagh (A6092606) and Norfolk (A6108473).

Hope you enjoy reading them! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 5


Does this count as spam, Paully? smiley - tongueout

smiley - panda

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 6


Yes, absolutely. Top-quality, grade A, freshly packaged and delicious to eat spam... It's very good for you, you know! smiley - smiley


UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 7


Can similar spam be expected every time a county entry hits PR?

smiley - panda

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 8

The H2G2 Editors

Anyone in the mood to tackle this one? We have a T-shirt for the lucky winner who can get this through PR and into the Guide.

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 9


Ahhh, go on then. Might as well have a stab at my current abode having got the homeland through PR smiley - winkeye

Might take a few weeks, so don't hold your breath...

UK Counties & Regions - England - Leicestershire

Post 10

The H2G2 Editors

smiley - applause Thanks very much. smiley - cheers

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