A Conversation for New Hampshire, USA

Flea Market: A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 1

The H2G2 Editors

Entry: New Hampshire, USA - A12623267
Author: RevKeltina - U4594965

Any takers for this Scavenged Entry?

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 2


I Think I will wait until we get into Barlesque
and then give it a try.
As I understand it Rev Keltina should still be listed as co-author although she will not be able to make any further contribution.

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 3

The H2G2 Editors

Ok Shagbark, that's great. We look forward to it. And please get in touch if you need any assistance. smiley - ok

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 4


just waiting for scouts at

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 5


this round of changes is complete smiley - smiley

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 6


smiley - whistle any bets on what month this will be pickedsmiley - huh

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 7

The H2G2 Editors

Dear Shagbark, you've done a great job rescuing this and we can't for the life of us think why it's slipped the radar so far! However, really well done - great rescue! - this will fill a little hole in the EG. Good work smiley - ok

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 8

The H2G2 Editors

Ah! Shagbark, we think this is the thread we should be looking at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/F48874?thread=7333487 It's looking very good and it's plainly *not* slipped the radar at all - loads of feedback there. It'll be picked soon, we reckon. Great work

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