A Conversation for New Hampshire, USA

Alternative Writing Workshop: A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 1


Entry: New Hampshire, USA - A12623267
Author: RevKeltina - U4594965

I'm an American and don't know for sure if the spelling and syntax are appropriate for international readers. Comments and suggestions would be very helpful.

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 2


use oxford dictionary.now enjoy the poem.

Unheeded Life
Little hope;
Wide life,
Day and night,
Goes right.
Every morning,
Joyous sun;
Midday heat,
Becomes fun.
Reddish east,
Stopped the game;
New game,
New name.
Hot pan,
Flavors night;
Wheat cake,
Blessed sight.
Happy couple,
Straw pallet;
Real pleasure,
Lusty bed.
Every morrow,
Every night,
Every struggle;
Every fight,
Little hope;
Wide life,
Day and night,
Goes right.

A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

Post 3


Hi there RevKeltina, welccome to h2g2!

It's a good entry, it ought to be lengthend a bit, however.

The main thing is that this is in the wrong forum. Since this is Edited Guide potential it should be in either Peer Review or, since it could use a bit more work first, The Edited Guide Writing Workshop, which is what I recommend. Once it is sucsessful EGWW you can then put it in PR.

But it is a very good start! smiley - ok You can remove this from AWW by clicking 'x' next to you entry on the forum list, then going back to the 'Submit for Review' page and choose EGWW.

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A12623267 - New Hampshire, USA

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