A Conversation for ARSE Page of Protest

I want to join the fight!

Post 1

GNP Aaron

Really! Are there any spaces for a part time philosopher in ARSE? I can both spit _and_ dribble.

I want to join the fight!

Post 2


No spitting please.

I want to join the fight!

Post 3

GNP Aaron

Uh, I thought spitting was the idea of ARSE.

I want to join the fight!

Post 4

Fenchurch M. Mercury

This page has been long neglected, sorry I missed you Lance! Hello, and welcome to ARSE!

I want to join the fight!

Post 5

GNP Aaron


I want to join the fight!

Post 6


Heeey , This is much better!

Fenchurc, I've been looking for you - I think I've stolen someone elses fish
It's not mine! And I can't find the owner and and and

Oh well
smiley - tongueout---------------------------------------smiley - fishblblblblblbllb

I want to join the fight!

Post 7

GNP Aaron

Speaking of fish, any word on mine?

I want to join the fight!

Post 8

The Cow

(clears throat)
Excuse me, but I wanted to join ARSE.
Oh, btw, my spitting page is submitted, at http://www.h2g2.com/a185618

I want to join the fight!

Post 9

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Wow, these forums really *do* go on forever... smiley - winkeye.

I want to join the fight!

Post 10

The Cow

What do you mean?

I want to join the fight!

Post 11

Jimi X

Hi Fenny! The Cow noticed that you forgot the U in front of our user numbers making our links inoperative. smiley - sadface

When you get a spare minute from fighting yahoo, can you fix them please?? smiley - smiley

Thanks! You continue to ROCK!! smiley - winkeye

- X

I want to join the fight!

Post 12

Fenchurch M. Mercury

Dude, you've been reminding me about that for the longest time now, an' I haven't done it (sorry, lazy, stupid me), an' you still think I rock? No. YOU rock. smiley - smiley

I want to join the fight!

Post 13

The Ghost Of TV's Frink


Gosh Fen, my protests died out months ago smiley - smiley

I want to join the fight!

Post 14

Jimi X

Fenny! As Minister of Public Information (or whatever I'm called) in your regime, I'd like to point out that I just noticed the links were wonky about a week ago. And *you* pay me to maintain your image in the press, so you'll always ROCK! smiley - winkeye

Of course, you rocked long before you were mayor, simply because you have such a great sense of community by making everyone fish back in the day. smiley - smiley

- X

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