A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
drops of rain
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 28, 2006
Drops of Rain
First drop,
It stirred the heart;
She placed the baby safer place,
Cracking bed,
It entered the heart of darkness.
Second drop,
It awoke the father;
He placed the hand safer place,
He touched,
It was the touch of husband.
Third drop,
It made the world busy;
It was pleasant world,
There is no sign of up and down,
Uniformity in the world.
Now the drops went on;
He thought linkage roof,
She knew he tried hard-
Where every day new one;
New hope, better world.
The drops fell down;
The love went round,
Love in safer baby,
Love in wet body;
Love in poverty world.
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drops of rain
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