A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
the picture
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 27, 2006
The Picture
The picture,
Just before sunset;
I remember some days,
The days of sportive world.
Less meditation,
More pleasure,
It was only a glance,
The eternal glance in the picture.
You are the mother,
The mother of light and shade.
We told enough,
But the sunset was untold;
What is untold is the tale of life,
It is just a tale of sunset,
Now the sunset in the picture,
The picture before me.
Can I see that sunset again?
Very often, very often,
If the sky is clear,
If the mind is clear,
The mind of today.
I am here with me;
Only with the world,
The world in the picture,
Just before sunset,
Just before eyes.
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the picture
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