A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
the refugee
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 23, 2006
The Refugee
A bunch of lives,
A host of camps,
A folk of children;
A swarm of mothers,
The new destination of life.
What they had yesterday,
Was nostalgia today.
Some times some hopes rose in the air.
Oh! Nature!
You are the very name of reminiscence.
Bright day, cloudy morning;
Dying light in the evening.
How happy we were there.
Once a child asked his mother,
'Who makes us refugee?'
Silence is the response of inability.
When the fight for belly was most wanted,
Sectarianism came.
A mother has only one religion-
To save the kids,
To save the future,
The future of the world.
Thousand camps;
Only one problem,
We are not human.
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the refugee
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