A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
the cuckoo
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 22, 2006
The Cuckoo
Just before evening,
Rumbling of the darkness,
The darkness of the woods;
I did not count the trees,
But realized its immense existence,
It was deeper than deep.
Suddenly I saw a cuckoo,
Well perched in the dim world.
One bird, two eyes;
One vision,
The vision what I saw;
It was motionless and still,
The cause of my boredom.
What I expect a voice;
I waited paying deep attention,
But it did not sing.
I had to come back,
Very few realize the poets;
I stopped to be lusty.
I turned my eyes off;
My ears broke into fire,
The last song of the fast heart;
I forgot to come back.
I saw nothing,
But felt something,
The eternal beauty,
The beauty of the world was floating,
Floating in my trembling heart.
What I saw I can tell;
What I heard I can feel,
I felt the latest beauty of the season,
Light, darkness, shadow and night;
I felt through the thrilling voice.
The beauty of the vision is nice,
But the beauty of the passion is tight,
Very tight to keep, to release, to say-
We are three,
You, I and the cuckoo.
There was only cuckoo and I.
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the cuckoo
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