A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
The Cruel Mother
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 19, 2006
The Cruel Mother
I felt little tremor,
As it is more and more;
Day by day more hostility.
The world is going to be enemy,
Enemy of my life.
I am a mother,
Three kids;
No more two.
I was a mother of three kids.
I enjoyed the pain from beginning to end;
I enjoyed when my heart is cruel,
Cruel in the world of stoicism.
I had nothing to do:
Cry, weep, howling and tears!
All are static;
Vain in the world of reality.
Here scorching heat;
No food,
Death is inevitable.
Please believe me:
I was not born in barren land,
But I begot them in barren land,
No place of the real mother,
The mother of blood and life.
Here dying lives, fading hopes;
Mothers can't help being cruel,
Cruel in East Africa,
The victim of climate change.
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The Cruel Mother
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