A Conversation for The h2g2 Poem
the silver night
watchfulmriduldas Started conversation Jun 18, 2006
The Silver Night
Rising moon;
Silver night,
A most beautiful might.
But somebody avoided it.
Unheeded by some eyes,
The eyes of the East Africa.
If it would have been bread,
The most wanted wheat cake.
Some body looks at the moon;
'Hungry' turns to 'starved'.
Where heart's desire is food,
Beauty is a thing of melancholy.
Silver night,
The night for shelter,
An escaped from scorching heat.
If all the days fade into this silver night!
Oh! imagination!
You are the beauty of life,
The life in barren land.
Feed them;
Bring the real moon,
The universal moon.
They have the right,
The right to swallow the beauty,
The beauty of the silver night.
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the silver night
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