A Conversation for Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli.

Peer Review: A12447452 - Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli.

Post 1


Entry: Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli. - A12447452
Author: robbwindow - U2271089

Well is it true...

A12447452 - Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli.

Post 2

Sho - employed again!

hi robbwindow...

sorry, but this doesn't comply with the Writing-Guidelines.

Of course, it will remain part of the guide, just attached to your space rather than as an edited entry - but please take it out of Peer Review.

smiley - smiley

A12447452 - Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli.

Post 3

the_jon_m - bluesman of the parish

can't even put this down to an enthusiastic newbie who didn't read the guidelines

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