Sunshine here or Fenguilaroli.

1 Conversation

Ola' all subsribers and English Patients.
To the eye of the word here, now 2006 we find more men and women communicate not knowing identities and in this way of together we often see mirages of what we believe or hope to be.

Having been to Spain recently I appeal to the H2G2 ers that it is very, very nice to relax but be sure to have a quick service if computing on vacation. Apart from that the pool was great but the real Big Swim was in the ocean.

Fresh fish skewed and cooked upon twigs of cinders of fine wood.

Having communicated with what I call the locals there - who in actual fact turned out to be originally from Casablanca - Yet still in a limbo of communication; she speaking Spanish and I chatting broken English the whole encounter really was far more honest than the comaraderie existing here in the confines of the web-entries, blog spaces and poetic feedback given as indeed recieved.

So come on H2G2 ers let me in on the secrets here for personally im struggling to assertain any true idea of Genre here upon this bbc link.

Please HHHHHHHHelp.

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