A Conversation for Wolverhampton


Post 1

the almost but not really all not knowing Buddha

hello to my fellow hitch hikers (is that one word or two?) i think its one but not sure.
anywho, just wanted to say that im moving to wolverhampton and was wondering if there is anything that i should know about it. I currently live in calgary alberta canada. So as you can imagine this will be quite the move for me. so if there is anything that i should know. like is there a lot of h2g2ers? do i have to worry about getting killed if i dont cross the street right. and anything else you feel i will need to know.
thx in advance


Post 2


hello. although i dont live there anymore - i moved in 1996 to go to uni in nottingham nad never returned - i should still be able to tell you quite a lot about wolves- including my sister runs a pub in the town centre so if u want to meet loads of people go there. email me on [email protected], cause it will be probs easier to talk that way. regards adele

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