
4 Conversations

Wolverhampton is not in Birmingham. It is north of Birmingham. People from Wolverhampton are not Brummies, do not address them as such, they will attempt to have you killed. Wolverhampton is a nice place to visit, the people are friendly, and generally won't mug you.

Things to do on a daytrip to Wolverhampton
1) Go and see the statue of Prince Albert (opposite the Tourist information office where you can buy postcards of Wolverhampton to send to your friends), the statue was modelled wrongly and as any man on a horse standing that way would fall off. The man who made the statue killed himself , when this was pointed out to him.

2)buy a hot roast sandwich from the hot roast sandwich stall in the Mander Centre. They are very good. If you are a veggie, try a jacket potato. Avoid the Burger King in Wolverhampton town centre. The manager has dubious personal hygiene, I know this for reasons I won't go into.

3)go in Beatties, it sells everything in the world and smells dead nice. The ladies toilets are called the powder room just to confuse you.

4)under beatties there is an italian restarant called Sofia's. There is a big fountain with goldfish in it, and you can even get married in there. You have to book first so they can arrange a vicar and all that though. Otherwise it would become the Las Vegas of the Midlands. The food is good too.

5)as for pubs, the feline and firkin is nice, as is the varsity. I've heard good things about some of the student places too.

6)nightclubs - they turned the best place, the dorchester into a sort of teeny bop creche place. But the Wolverhampton Civic on a Saturady night is good. If you like dance music, there is a big club called Atlantis, which isn't really my cup of tea, but I don't mind it in there as there seems to be a good atmosphere, and there are all these huge mad things on the ceiling.

Wolverhampton is great - go there today!

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