A Conversation for Wolverhampton


Post 1

Researcher 195623

This entry is a little out of date now, Sofias is now the imperial palace (one of those awful buffet chinese places, where people confuse quanitiy for quality - "all you can eat for £11.99!").
On the othr hand Wolvrhampton does boast a nice range of Indian Restaurants, two that are highly recommended are:
The Bilash Tandoori - next to the town hall (aound the back of Yates wine bar)
Mother India - Tettenhall road.
Neither of these are your traditional curry house - but offer something better for the descerning customer.
Wolverhampton is also th home of WWFC - wolves (the less said the better).
Oh and if you visit - dont claim to be a West-Brom fan - it may go down poorly.

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