Hello I am Becky

I am 22, from Wolverhampton, England, currently residing in Bradford, England. I like Archaeological science, Bananas, Crafty stuff, Disco dancing, Extra unexpected money, Fish(not to eat), Going to the cinema, Holidays, Ice cream, Jolly people, Kicking my boyfriend, Left handed people, my Mom and my family, Nosy gossip, Ostriches, Pewter (Romano-British for preference), The Queen, my friend Rob, who I don't see enough these days, Snogging Simon, when not kicking him, Tea and coffee, Unwinding, Vera who is my nan, Walking to work on sunny mornings, X-rays and going into hospital to be prodded all the time (I don't think so), yoghurt, and zig-zags patterns of every form.

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I'm Mad Sep 20, 1999


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Fayalite 50772

Researcher U50772


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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