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Hey, Look at me!

Something everyone wants.. Until they get it.

Sometimes gained by spreading glitter across one's face, hair, or eyelids - especially by children.

Attention is also the prefered excuse of why children: scream while in shopping malls or supermarkets, fight with their parents, dye their hair, spend hours getting ready in front of a mirror, get tattoos, or do anything else that the parent of that child disapproves of.

It is often belived that Actors have the best jobs ever thought up, all they have to do is get in front of cameras and call attention to themselves, but if you ever talk to an Actor(or actress) then you will find that their least favorite kind of person is a news reporter, the people that have the job of giving others attention. While this fact does not seem possible, it is easly proved, all you have to do is pay attention to those who want it and watch the television programs made by those who actors(and actresses) say they hate.

Please keep in mind that most actors(mostly actresses) probably got their jobs by spreading glitter on their face/hair/eyelids or at least fingernails1.
1This is only a guess, as the secret of becoming an Actor or Actress is still unknown

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