Shopping Malls

3 Conversations

Big, expansive plots of land where obnoxious commercial enterprises can gather and be friends, the mall is nowadays recognised as a suburban institution. Famous for its overwhelmingly unapologetic consumerist motives, infamous as the home to hordes of pseudos, teenyboppers, and those with far too much money, some people (souls intact) fail to find a good side to this corporate monstrosity which seemingly purports to give the disillusioned an identity through the mass consumption of transient, superficial fads at overwhelming prices. They even find the fact that the parking lots are twice as big as the shopping area to be sickening.

What these spiritual do-gooders fail to notice, however, is the fact that no mall-goer listens to them: no, they're just wandering the corridors of their spiritual Eden in blissful ignorance, with big smiles tattooed to their faces as they scan the latest sales and fashion trends.

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