A Conversation for Miscellaneous Chat
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Tide: Lover of snack foods &small animals Started conversation Sep 22, 2000
I have put a new entry in and I need some opinions I hope people like it. It is not really new i wrote it a long time ago,but i never had a chance to put a conversation in the peer review. I hope you like it.
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Lizard Prince- A437203 Owner, Muse, H2G2GAs, Prince of Lizards, Carrier of Black Towels Posted Sep 22, 2000
Tyler, where's the entry at?
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Gavroche Posted Sep 26, 2000
Which of the three entries on your space are you referring to?
1) Punting Small Dogs http://www.h2g2.com/A409727
2) Small Town Fun -- http://www.h2g2.com/A410257
3) What you can do in my small town for fun -- http://www.h2g2.com/A412255
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