A Conversation for Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 41

Eusebio - squad number 11

Any more comments?

What happens now? smiley - erm

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 42

Gnomon - time to move on

WHat happens next is that your entry has to sit in Peer Review for a full seven days. It is there for five days already. In two more, it will become available for picking.

Next, a scout has to like it and pick it. Since this is a good well-written entry, I predict that it will be picked fairly soon, but don't be disappointed if it takes days or even weeks.

Once the entry has been picked, a copy is made which is sent off to a sub-editor and eventually appears on the Front Page. You don't have to do anything else once the entry has been picked.

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 43

Eusebio - squad number 11

smiley - cool

Thanks smiley - smiley

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 44


It's at times like this that I wish we had an smiley - applause Smiley. A really interesting story well told. smiley - ok

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 45

Gnomon - time to move on

One mistake:

at meeting in Bala --> at a meeting in Bala

A1156637 - Y Wladfa - The Welsh in Patagonia

Post 46

Eusebio - squad number 11

diolch smiley - ok

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 47

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 48

Gnomon - time to move on

smiley - bubbly Congratulations! smiley - bubbly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 49


Wooohpeee!!! well done, I had a feeling that this would get picked quickly

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 50

Eusebio - squad number 11

Wow cool smiley - cool

Thanks everyone for your help and kind words ... I'll buy you all a cyber smiley - ale if you can recomend a nice pub ...

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 51


Well done, MTRF! smiley - ok

(Raises pint of virtual Wrexham Bitter in salute) smiley - alesmiley - dragon

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 52

Eusebio - squad number 11

Thanks all smiley - ok

* sits quietly in the corner supping his smiley - ale *

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