A Conversation for An Introduction to First Edition Books in the UK

Peer Review: A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 1

Researcher 168963

Entry: First Edition Books in the UK - A1154873
Author: Dastardly, a Closet Gargoyle - U168963

Obviously a simple version, and it's a dry subject, but I like the fact at the end smiley - biggrin

smiley - thief D

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 2

Researcher 177704

Great entry. It makes me wonder how much my Dad's set of four signed Paddington Bear first editions are worth. Is there anywhere online, or any printed publications, where it's possible to find out how much a first edition is probably worth?

Also, what do the other numbers in the 'number line' mean? Are they just there to confuse people who don't know what they're looking for?

smiley - ok

smiley - rocket

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 3


This is definitely the start of a very good entry.

The first paragraph is written in the first person plural and really needs to be changed to the third person. Though I think you can put into a footnote that you too missed out on the opportunity of buying the first edition of the Harry Potter book.

The section that I think is a bit light is the 'Bottom Line' part. Now I admit I'm no expert, but I have spent time trawling through abebooks.com and the sellers there are for ever banging on about the condition of the book and the dust jacket, and foxing, and tight bindings and lord knows what other terminology. Yet you've covered this in only 2 sentences.

What about the print run number? I've got a couple of books that are described as "first edition, second printing". I know that these are worth less than "first edition, first priting", but I don't really understand the difference between a second printing and a second edition. If you do, then I think that that should go into the entry.

Final point. You've described the entry as UK specific, so I assume that they do things a little differently elsewhere in the World. Can we have an example or two if there are some striking differences? These could go in as footnotes I'm sure.

Anyway, in conclusion, I found this an informative and very enjoyable read and I think will make a great little guide entry. Well done smiley - smiley

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 4


Another example for you...


Alice in Wonderland - pre-first edition (withdrawn due to faulty printing) - it was the subject of a TV documentary last week smiley - winkeye

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 5


Oh yes, I saw that. An excellent show, and an excellent example for inclusion smiley - ok

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 6

Researcher 168963

Thanks for all the comments smiley - smiley

Rocket Man - as always, I'd suggest seeing a professional. Even if you find a value elsewhere, it's unlikely to take being signed into account. Sorry, not much help. Amazon have a selection of relavent books, but I don't have them so I don't know which would have Paddington information on. 'Children's Modern First Editions' by Joseph Connolly is well-known but apparently the prices are out of date, and being a specialist book Amazon sells it but offers no reviews on it. Again, no idea if it has Paddington in but it's a British book so I would have thought so. No substitute for a real person who knows their stuff though.

Grey Desk - Thanks for being so positive with your criticism smiley - smiley
The reason The Bottom Line is light on information is that this isn't a guide to book valuation or care. That's a whole series of articles by itself. It was just supposed to be a reminder that First editions aren't everything. If people really think I should add more on value then I will, but reluctantly.

Print number. Right, that wasn't at all clear smiley - blush I hope it's better now.

As for international things... that'll take a bit of time. It's pretty much the same in America as the UK but other than that I'm not sure, which is why I went for caution.

And no, I haven't ignored the first person plural. When I can think of a good way to rephrase it I will, and I guess I should vamoosh that second footnote at some point.

smiley - ok Thanks

smiley - thief D

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 7


How about first editions from different publishers? I've got a book that says:

Doubleday edition published 2000
Corgi edition published 2001

1 3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2

So is that a first edition or not?

smiley - panda

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 8


Nice entry, I like it!

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 9

Researcher 168963

I've changed the title to 'An Introduction to...'

Cyzaki - assuming your book's published by Corgi, you have a first Corgi edition, but not a first edition. I added a note on this to the entry - thanks smiley - smiley

Thanks Gubernatrix smiley - smiley

smiley - thief D

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 10

Researcher 168963

I'm withdrawing the article from PR as I'm heading off into the ether for a while and so won't be able to do anything to it. Sorry about that. Thanks for the comments anyway.

smiley - thief D

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 11


Good idea, Dastardly - an entry this good is likely to get picked even without any suggested changes being made, which then makes all the commentators very grumpy!

Make sure to post here when you put it back into PR - I have some comments as well, but they'll keep until you have time.

Good luck!

smiley - rose

A1154873 - First Edition Books in the UK

Post 12

Researcher 168963

Hello again smiley - smiley

I find myself with time on my hands, so this is headed back into PR.

Let's try this new linking business... F48874?thread=451475 should do the trick.

smiley - thief D

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