A Conversation for Temporal Library
HappyDude Started conversation Oct 16, 2007
Do you have
Taming Ouroubourous, Applications of Higher Temporal Dynamics for Beings Embedded in Fewer than Seven Dimensions, Guide to the TTC (Time Travellers Convention)
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 20, 2007
[Yar walks in, his katana at his hip, carrying a slip of paper with "IIEM" written prominently across the top of one side, reading it with the air of someone following directions. He pauses at the sight of HappyDude, and rolls his eyes, pocketing the slip of paper, waiting to see what happens next.]
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 22, 2007
[walks over towards HappyDude] Huh. Looks like no one's been here in ages.
HappyDude Posted Oct 22, 2007
it is a bit dusty... perhaps we should get the Black Vested Henchmen to have a scout around?
Afgncaap5 Posted Oct 22, 2007
*A gaggle of Black Vested Henchmen enter and begin scouting around. Fortunately, the library is alphabetized. Unfortunately, BVH's aren't known for their linguistic prowess*
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 22, 2007
[idly watches the BVH's] Uh. So, what was it you were looking for?
The Corrupt One Posted Oct 22, 2007
*A man drifts in. Well, half of a man. Well, a very translucent half of a man. Not a man at all, really.*
*He swoops around through the bookshelves, his long emo hair covering half of his face, a strange and very insane smile on his face.*
Afgncaap5 Posted Oct 22, 2007
*A Black Vested Henchman is about to respond, but quickly notices that this is actually YK and not Y2K, and decides to let Happy respond while he continues searching*
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 22, 2007
[Yar senses the "not half a man", and does his best to keep track of him whilst still paying attention to HappyDude.]
The Corrupt One Posted Oct 22, 2007
*The apparition swooshes over to Yar and smiles gleefully.*
I'm looking... for someone.
*He shows Yar a plain golden ring, the use of which is not at all obvious.*
This brought me here. So there must be something here to tell me where she's gone.
Afgncaap5 Posted Oct 22, 2007
*One henchman, aided somewhat by the fact that there was a typo in the book's name, finds the copy of Taming Ouroubourous*
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 22, 2007
[peers at the ring] Hmm. Wouldn't know. Do Elven letters appear when you throw it in a fire?
The Corrupt One Posted Oct 22, 2007
*The apparition blinks.*
No... ooh, but if I spin it, it does this!
*He spins it a half turn clockwise and a half turn counterclockwise. A large flame soars out of the ring and spells out words on a nearby wall:*
"Welcome to Spishack's Emergency Interdimensional Transport System (commonly known as the I.S.H., In case Something Happens, system)! This handy ring can assist you out of any situation you may currently find yourself in, yes, you, our dear customer. Our service has two highly useful functions. The first is activated by rotating your ring one complete rotation to the left. This will send you to our Interdimensional Nexus, which can then direct you to any other golden ring existing in the Multiverse! (This feature only usable once per ring, due to the transportation process, which destroys both user's ring and target location ring.) The second function, usable an unlimited number of times, is activated by rotating your ring one complete rotation to the right. This will exchange your present location (and whatever situation you happen to be in) with that of a currently active Red Shirted Employee, courtesy of our licence with Red Shirted Employment, Inc. (Currently active Red Shirted Employees will have a silver ring which cannot be activated by its owner, and is permanently avaliable.)
"For those of you who choose to use our Interdimensional Nexus, please bear in mind the following: Spishack, Inc. is not responsible for the results of using this feature, as they very widely between users. Results may not necessarily improve your situation nor place you anywhere you necessarily want to be. To assist you on your journey, the Nexus contains six options, five of which will be avaliable to you on your arrival. The six are: red, blue, green, white, black, and shiny. (Yes, 'shiny' IS a color.) White and black strings will take you to other individuals currently owning rings. (One of these will be unavaliable to the user due to the nature of this transportation system.) Blue and green strings will take you to creatures who are somehow in possession of a ring (blue for aquatic creatures, green for land-based creatures). Shiny takes you to the home of the I.S.H. system's creator (note: creator may not be present at time of arrival). The red string will take you to da...er...us.....oc...ions...... CAUTIONCAUTIONCAUTION choosingtheredstringiscompletelycrazy andnotreccommendedifyoustillenjoybreathingonaregularbasis.... choosingtheredstringmayresultin loss of limbs, loss of sanity, loss of brain function; may cause itching, burning, watery eyes, unpleasant rashes, respiratory disorders; sudden loss of gravity, dry land, or dry clothing (or all clothing) or any possessions or abilities Spishackisnotresponsibleforanylossesordehabilitations resultingfromuseoftheredstring...
"Have a wonderful day, and thank you for choosing the I.S.H. for all your unforseen travel needs! And please, ask your local interdimensional retailer for more fine Spishack, Inc. Multiverse Solutions. Spishack -- We're Always There... For You!"
Afgncaap5 Posted Oct 22, 2007
*The Henchmen are engrossed with a strange mural that might show a 3-D image or something. They keep trying to see it...*
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 23, 2007
[Yar peers at the writing]
Spishack, Inc. wouldn't be a subsidiary of the Sirius Cybernetics Corporation, would it? Or Aperture Science?
The Corrupt One Posted Oct 23, 2007
Aperture Science, perhaps...
*The apparition shrugs.*
I have no idea....
*He looks very confused, then drifts off through the bookshelves again, still searching.*
Dizzy the Void Posted Oct 24, 2007
[Yar nods, and looks around for HappyDude] So ... uh ...
HappyDude Posted Oct 24, 2007
*starts flicking through the card index apparently blissfully ignorant of any apparition type thingies*
Key: Complain about this post
- 1: HappyDude (Oct 16, 2007)
- 2: Dizzy the Void (Oct 20, 2007)
- 3: HappyDude (Oct 21, 2007)
- 4: Dizzy the Void (Oct 22, 2007)
- 5: HappyDude (Oct 22, 2007)
- 6: Afgncaap5 (Oct 22, 2007)
- 7: Dizzy the Void (Oct 22, 2007)
- 8: The Corrupt One (Oct 22, 2007)
- 9: Afgncaap5 (Oct 22, 2007)
- 10: Dizzy the Void (Oct 22, 2007)
- 11: The Corrupt One (Oct 22, 2007)
- 12: Afgncaap5 (Oct 22, 2007)
- 13: Dizzy the Void (Oct 22, 2007)
- 14: The Corrupt One (Oct 22, 2007)
- 15: Afgncaap5 (Oct 22, 2007)
- 16: Dizzy the Void (Oct 23, 2007)
- 17: HappyDude (Oct 23, 2007)
- 18: The Corrupt One (Oct 23, 2007)
- 19: Dizzy the Void (Oct 24, 2007)
- 20: HappyDude (Oct 24, 2007)
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