A Conversation for The Forum

Youth of today

Post 21


EC: > we communicate by the written word, on silent screens with others we think, or hope we might like. <

I've got a theory that there really aren't any other people out there with whom we're communicating via these blogs. On h2g2, for example, the whole thing is just a big charade put on by a handful of paid BBC employees who pretend to be all the different people we chat with here. And so far, nobody has been able to disprove this theory to me. But I still enjoy the charade.

On a more serious note, however, Thoreau has been quoted as saying that "the majority of men lead lives of quiet desperation." And that was well before the advent of most modern technology. So is our lot in life really any worse than that of our forebears? I'm not sure. I suspect many of them might trade places with us in a heartbeat.

The brains we are using to deal with modern technology and modern societies is a brain that evolution developed and perfected over aeons to work with optimum efficiency in hunter-gatherer societies. This may help explain some of our feelings of alienation. Modern cultures have existed for barely a single tick of the evolutionary clock. Whereas the pace of improving technology advances exponentially, our brains advance at a glacial pace. This can present serious problems when technology puts nuclear weapons in the hands of people whose brain are barely a step advanced beyond those of cavemen, which would include pretty much all of us, I fear.

Youth of today

Post 22

Moving On

>>I've got a theory that there really aren't any other people out there with whom we're communicating via these blogs. On h2g2, for example, the whole thing is just a big charade put on by a handful of paid BBC employees who pretend to be all the different people we chat with here. And so far, nobody has been able to disprove this theory to me. But I still enjoy the charade<<

Poot!smiley - yikes


Youth of today

Post 23

novosibirsk - as normal as I can be........

Hi you lot,

The BBC certainly isn't paying me, but I am up for a Zero licenec fee!
[ or some bags of cat food}

smiley - blackcat

Youth of today

Post 24

kelli - ran 2 miles a day for 2012, aiming for the same for 2013

"I've got a theory that there really aren't any other people out there with whom we're communicating via these blogs. On h2g2, for example, the whole thing is just a big charade put on by a handful of paid BBC employees who pretend to be all the different people we chat with here. And so far, nobody has been able to disprove this theory to me. But I still enjoy the charade."

Never been to a meet then? Perhaps you should sign up for the spring meet and come and see the 'real' people for yourself. Voting on the date is underway now...

Youth of today

Post 25


Novo: >The BBC certainly isn't paying me<

Of course they'd train you to say that!

Youth of today

Post 26


>Never been to a meet then? <

Just another of their clever tricks, I'm sure! They no doubt allow for sufficient money in the BBC budget to hire professional actors to attend these meets for a day and play the parts of all the people we think we're chatting with here. You have to wake up awfully early in the morning to trick me!

Did anyone ever see the film 'The Truman Show' starring Jim Carey? Not to spoil it for anyone who hasn't, but this chap's entire life was being secretly filmed and shown on television as a reality show. All of his world was just a prop, and he was the only one who didn't know it. Interesting film.

Youth of today

Post 27

Acid Override - The Forum A1146917

If they're hiring actors then whoever is playing Vip is extremely dedicated. I mean going to a meet for a day is one thing, but living with me for two years! There's no amount of money someone would take for that :P

Youth of today

Post 28

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'm an illusion, 2legs doubly so.

Youth of today

Post 29


smiley - laugh Dedication above and beyond the call of duty!

Youth of today

Post 30


Sssh! Don't give it all away! That's my pay cheque you're endangering there! smiley - laugh

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