A Conversation for Sputnik 76

Peer Review: A1131463 - Sputnik 76

Post 1

Mark Ed Black

Entry: Sputnik 76 - A1131463
Author: Mark Ed Black - U237010

For the Mercenaries Inc Page

A1131463 - Sputnik 76

Post 2


Hi, this is interesting,

Whilst your other entry in Peer Review, is fine IMHO, this isn't really. According to the writing guidelines entreis for Peer Review have to be factual and in third person, (here are the Writing-Guidelines -

And this smiley - erm isn't... not that there's any problems with that, there's much more to the Guide besides the edited guide, the edited guide is just very very small section of it.

A1131463 - Sputnik 76

Post 3

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

This might be more suited to Alternative Writing Workshop - Writing-Alternative. To submit it there you'll first have to remove it from Peer Review. If you need any help with that, just let us know smiley - smiley

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A1131463 - Sputnik 76

Post 4


Hiya Mark,

Like other people have said, this isn't really suitable for Peer Review - have you had any thoughts about moving it?

smiley - panda

A1131463 - Sputnik 76

Post 5

Number Six

Mark's not posted for three weeks, and I suspect he may not come back to h2g2 until he gets the email telling him his entry on Bla Rock (A1152974 - a rock cafe in Tromso, Norway if you missed it) has hit the front page of the EG.

That might be a couple of weeks away.

smiley - mod

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