A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Eight - "The Untitled One"
GreyDesk Posted Nov 27, 2003
Folk are only being realistic. You've won one out of the last six away games. In the same period QPR haven't lost at home.
Number Six Posted Nov 27, 2003
Aston Villa 0-1 Southampton (Beattie)
Portsmouth 2-1 Leicester (Yakubu)
Blackburn 0-1 Tottenham (Keane)
West Ham 1-1 Wigan (Connolly)
QPR 2-0 Sheffield Wednesday (Gallen)
Good luck everyone!
The Snockerty Friddle Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 1-1 Southampton (Phillips)
Portsmouth 1-0 Leicester (Sheringham)
Blackburn 2-1 Tottenham (Cole)
West Ham 1-2 Wigan (Liddell)
QPR 2-0 Sheffield Wednesday (Thorpe)
me[Andy]g Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 0 - 2 Southampton (Beattie)
Portsmouth 2 - 2 Leicester (Ferdinand)
Blackburn 1 - 1 Tottenham (Emerton)
West Ham 1 - 2 Wigan (Ellington)
QPR 3 - 2 Sheff Wed (Thorpe)
Ormondroyd Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 0-0 Southampton
Portsmouth 3-1 Leicester (Yakubu)
Blackburn 1-0 Tottenham (Yorke)
West Ham 2-1 Wigan (Connolly)
QPR 2-0 Sheffield Wednesday (Gallen)
loosehead Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 1-2 Southampton (Phillips)
Portsmouth 2-2 Leicester (Sheringham)
Blackburn 2-2 Tottenham (Keane)
West Ham 3-1 Wigan (Liddell)
QPR 2-2 Sheffield Wednesday (Reddy)
GreyDesk Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 0-1 Southampton (Beattie)
Portsmouth 2-0 Leicester (Yakubu)
Blackburn 0-1 Tottenham (Gallagher)
West Ham 0-0 Wigan (--)
QPR 1-1 Sheffield Wednesday (Owusu)
Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 1 Southampton 2 (Beattie)
Portsmouth 2 Leicester 0 (Sheringham)
Blackburn 1 Tottenham 1 (Keane)
West Ham 2 Wigan 2 (Ellington)
QPR 3 Sheffield Wednesday 0 (Gallen)
spook Posted Nov 28, 2003
Aston Villa 0-0 Southampton
Portsmouth 2-2 Leicester (Sherringham)
Blackburn 1-1 Tottenham (Keane)
West Ham 1-0 Wigan (Defoe)
QPR 0-0 Sheffield Wednesday
GreyDesk Posted Nov 29, 2003
Ok, we seem to be all present and correct this week - a first for some time I believe.
Let the games commence...
Ormondroyd Posted Nov 29, 2003
Palmer. And them Blades are winning (Brown pen.) so our genial host will be happy at the moment!
Ormondroyd Posted Nov 29, 2003
Well, I think I've done OK in this league this week.
Now it's time to go and chant 'Bryan Robson's Bradford army'. See you later if the Millwall 'fans' don't get me...
GreyDesk Posted Nov 29, 2003
Well that's the last time I ever go against my heart *and* head and offer some comfort to Sheffield Wednesday
On the other hand, if I had to pick a week to have a disasterous run of results, this was the week to do it. As all of the underdogs (with the exception the previously mentioned Northern team) went and got a result, we have some pretty low scores. Which comes with the corollary of low scores on the 'scorer points' side - only 9 points won in total this week!
And on a closing note - Well done there Master B, joint 3rd place is the best you've done for ages and ages
The Results:
Aston Villa 1-0 Southampton (DUBLIN)
Portsmouth 0-2 Leicester (FERDINAND, Bent)
Blackburn 1-0 Tottenham (GRESKO)
West Ham 4-0 Wigan (HORLOCK, Jarrett, Harewood)
QPR 3-0 Sheffield Wednesday (PALMER, Thorpe, McLeod)
The Points:
Kiltedjedi - 7 points (Villa result & score; Blackburn result; QPR result)
Ormondroyd - 7 points (Blackburn result & score; West Ham result; QPR result)
robin - 6 points (Blackburn result; West Ham result; QPR result)
Master B - 5 points (West Ham result & scorer; QPR result)
me[Andy]g - 5 points (Pompey scorer & 1st scorer; QPR result & scorer)
The Snockerty Friddle - 5 points (Blackburn result; QPR result & scorer)
creachy - 4 points (West Ham scorer; QPR result & scorer)
OB1 Knordic - 4 points (West Ham result; QPR result)
summerbayexile - 4 points (West Ham result; QPR result)
Uncle Heavy - 4 points (Blackburn result; QPR result)
Egon - 3 points (Villa scorer; Pompey result)
Lord Smooth - 3 points (West Ham scorer; QPR result)
Otto Fisch - 3 points (QPR result & score)
loosehead - 2 points (West Ham result)
Number Six - 2 points (QPR result)
owlatron - 2 points (West Ham result)
spook - 2 points (West Ham result)
GreyDesk - 0 points
The usual absentees - absent
Thus Ormondroyd and Kiltedjedi are this week's joint winners with 7 points
Number Six Posted Nov 29, 2003
to our weekly winners and Master B... and it seems I'm hanging on to second place for dear life.
*ahem* Please Mr Desk sir, can I have a point for Tony Thorpe scoring for QPR? I don't know, the only game I predict right and I was on for a correct score until the R's go and bag a 3rd in the last minute.
Although Argyle won 2-0 at Colchester, so we're still in the hunt
Ormondroyd Posted Nov 29, 2003
So here he is, Bryan Robson, everybody's having fun, look to the future now, it's only just begun...
I've seen my boys come back from 0-2 down to get a winner in stoppage time, and I'm joint weekly winner here too. That's what I call a good day!
Key: Complain about this post
- 21: GreyDesk (Nov 27, 2003)
- 22: Number Six (Nov 27, 2003)
- 23: The Snockerty Friddle (Nov 28, 2003)
- 24: me[Andy]g (Nov 28, 2003)
- 25: Ormondroyd (Nov 28, 2003)
- 26: loosehead (Nov 28, 2003)
- 27: GreyDesk (Nov 28, 2003)
- 28: Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge") (Nov 28, 2003)
- 29: spook (Nov 28, 2003)
- 30: GreyDesk (Nov 29, 2003)
- 31: Ormondroyd (Nov 29, 2003)
- 32: creachy (Nov 29, 2003)
- 33: Ormondroyd (Nov 29, 2003)
- 34: GreyDesk (Nov 29, 2003)
- 35: Ormondroyd (Nov 29, 2003)
- 36: GreyDesk (Nov 29, 2003)
- 37: Number Six (Nov 29, 2003)
- 38: GreyDesk (Nov 29, 2003)
- 39: Number Six (Nov 29, 2003)
- 40: Ormondroyd (Nov 29, 2003)
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