A Conversation for The Frink's Drinks Lobby

TV's Dog

Post 81

The Wisest Fool

Please can someone else post something before my twisted, warped and frankly sick sense of humour makes me post a reply I may later regret...smiley - smiley

Back to Cheese

Post 82


Ok...you asked for it! there is nothing wrong with playing skittles in a league.......at least if you win the opposition has to buy you a drink! And here in the midlands the missiles are called *cheeses* All the skittles down with one cheese is called a *Floorer*,and with two is called a *stack*.The number of skittles used is 9,so with 3 cheeses to aim,you can score 27!There are many variations on the game,but the favourite has to be *killer*....a very ggod game for late at night,and very lucrative ......especially as the boys don't think that a girl can play smiley - winkeye...ok...end of being serious!!
shazz smiley - winkeye

to be named later

Post 83

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

so this forum is one of the 5 busiest, not surprising considering that half the people logged on right now are Rambling Misfits. I love the new name, it saves me from having to say "softball team members"

for some reason the front page is calling this "the team to be named later clubhouse" which is odd because the team has been named

if you missed it, the clubhouse has seen a major redecoration

to be named later

Post 84


Rambling Misfits? Oh,ok then smiley - bigeyes
shazz smiley - winkeye

to be named later

Post 85

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

...and what about the grand sport of curling

1st you get a smooth surface and then gently massage it...

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 86

The Wisest Fool

I must say what a magnificent job you've donw with the place TVF. It took me a few hours of wandering the rooms before I found the bar but it was worth it. Nice one.

I've got an idea...tell me what you think guys...

I'm going to get someone to photo me behind a bar then I'll scan it and stick it my page somewhere, you can then use it for the bar area.
If Ac-1D can get one taken in a white coat, MadMunk in some freaky 'new age' get up, Shazz in a... well I think you see where I'm going on this smiley - smiley

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 87

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

i'll have to commision Marge Simpson to paint my portrait.

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 88


yeah, marge is great for bringing out the best in you, even if you are hideously disfigured and stuff. hi all!!!! i am still on a little hiatus (school and all), but i just had to add some comments. i will try to get my pic spinning some records while having my headphones on. it should be great.
as for TWF's code that was written, it doesnt like Netscape, but shows up fine in IE. that is weird, b/c the code looks like it should work for both. thanks for the <!Steal from here> tag, i will be sure to do so! and also thanks for the correct spelling of my name, with no uppercase, b/c as we all know, uppercase is evil.
allright, i have to get to work, but not before i put on some new music. Frink, the place looks great. i especially like the little drink train that runs throughout the place, so that you can place an order on it, and it comes back with a frothy drink straight from TWF. oh wait, that train only runs from the bar to my sound room! well, thanks for thinking of me (the less time i spend directly at the bar, the more time i have to play stuff for all you lovely people). dont worry TWF, i will still come and chat often, b/c i cant just sit in that room by my lonesome and not talk to anyone.
one more thing. bartender, a guinness please, and would you mind having it in an imperial pint glass (the only kind) with the symbol of the queen on it? thanks


Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 89


.....and just what would you like me to have a picture taken wearing then TWF smiley - bigeyes...answers on a postcard please!
shazz smiley - winkeye

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 90

The Wisest Fool

*adopts bashful Hugh Grant manner*
I..err..ahh...well...you see...in the...errm words...of..ah...Prince...not errm...before...he was the...err..Artist...ah..formally ermm known as ahh....Prince...when he..ah...still was errm...Prince...a..er...well...you know...a..err..Raspberry..erm...Beret would...ahh...look errm...quite nice I think.

(BTW don't you just want to biff the floppy fringed ponce, HG not Prince I mean)

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 91


Just a beret?! Now that would make an interesting photo wouldn't it!Monsy is already in possession of one of me wearing a hot air balloon....would that do?
shazz smiley - winkeye

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 92

The Wisest Fool

I..errmm..ah...errr... * goes on like this forever *

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 93

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Is there any progress being made on the photos?

I have one posted on my page - as do numerous other people

Frink's Drinks - The Wall Of Shame - could be a good place to post all the Rambling Misfits pix smiley - bigeyes

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 94


i leave for a couple of days and then come back to the clubhouse and find it has gotten quite busy around here.......i went through reading it all and have to admit my brain is still a bit fuzzy from the trip so if someone would not mind taking a moment and giving me the "readers digest version" of events i would be ever so grateful smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 95

The Wisest Fool

Hi Monsy,
Well Frink's finished the clubhouse and it's bigger than that house in Citizen Kane that Kane built. In fact it seems pretty Tardis-like in its dimensions. And apparently you should be here -
Apart from that it's pretty much SNAFU.
Have you got any cakes?

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 96


thank-you for the fill in on the happenings around here smiley - smiley
as for cakes...i have none but i do have a rather large basket of vodka filled chocolate fishies and spiked fruit if you would care to indulge in them smiley - smiley
monsy smiley - fish

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 97


We always are to indulge in them!!! smiley - bigeyes

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 98

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

hey, take all that to the lounge....you'll get crumbs all over the lobby!

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 99

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Releases pet rat Zyrokill to clean up the mess

Good boy - come to Uncle Loony

Oh no - now where has he gone smiley - fish

Frinks Drinks Staff Photos

Post 100


maybe you can tempt him out with some fish.....

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