A Conversation for Save The Albatross

Bon Voyage!

Post 1


'Four times fifty living men,
(And I heard nor sigh nor groan)
With heavy thump, a lifeless lump,
They dropped down one by one.
The souls did from their bodies fly,
They fled to bliss or woe!
And every soul, it passed me by,
Like the whizz of my cross-bow!'
- Rime Of The Ancient Mariner

Coleridge warned us of what happens when we carelessly let life slip through our fingers. It always comes back to haunt us! I congratulate you on your bid to save the albatross. As a metaphor for the times we live in - especially when viewed in the context of Coleridge's great poem - it is esential that you succeed! We're right behind you here on h2g2. Bon voyage!

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Bon Voyage!

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