A Conversation for Seven Years On - (UG)
Seven Years
Researcher 243489 Started conversation Sep 13, 2003
Is it not sad, and eternally true, that what really makes us grow as individuals always seem to be our losses?
Seven Years
Researcher 243489 Posted Sep 14, 2003
You are 100% right about that. But it also creates a dilemma: If facing hardship is what makes us grow, how about those that go through life without those challenges? I want people to grow, but I do not want them to be sad or depressed just to go there??
Seven Years
Pinniped Posted Sep 14, 2003
Hardship is something different.
We grow through facing all kinds of things.
Bereavement is just one of those things. Only the unlucky never face it.
I can think of only two reasons why someone might never face the death of someone they love. Either they never themselves felt the love that is due to every child, or else their own life was brief.
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Seven Years
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