A Conversation for Talking Point: One Minute Rants

Large shoe shopping and weather whingers

Post 1


My first gripe is this: I have very large feet - size 13's and it is almost impossible to find shoes that fit. I had to buy two pairs on Monday and was forced to spend the hottest day this year traipsing around Liverpool city centre. Luckily I was looking for a pair of hiking boots and hiking sandles so I only had to look in 10 shops before I found suitably sized shoes in a specialist shops. Had I been looking for trainers I would have had to either pay and extortionate price at a special shop, or travel 20 miles out on public transport or, most likely, both.
My second rant is people who complain about the weather no matter what it's like. In this hot weather I've heard most people complain about how it's too hot and dry. When the weather up here broke yesterday what was the most common thing I heard? How people were sick and tired of the rain and wanted to see some sun smiley - grr Make your mind up or better still, stop complaining.

Large shoe shopping and weather whingers

Post 2

Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness..

Yep, for a lady, if you've got feet larger than a size 8, there are 2 stores that cater. smiley - grr Mind you, it can take a lot of the frustration out of shoe shopping - only two shops means 1/2 hour maximum shopping time! smiley - biggrin

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