A Conversation for Spiritualized

What music do YOU like???

Post 1

The Wisest Fool

OK so I've told you I like Spiritualized.
What music do you lot love???

What music do YOU like???

Post 2


I'm a big fan of bands such as radiohead, super furries and lo-fi allstars, however as i'm sure you'll agree they tended to pale in comparison when i saw spiritualised live around ladies and gentleman time, standing there for 20 minutes whilst cop shoot cop wandered off into strobe lights and noise and then was masterfully brought back into line as each instrumentgradually took up the tune again was the most memorable time of my life as as far as live music goes.

What music do YOU like???

Post 3

The Wisest Fool

"Live from the Peppermint Lounge, it's The Cramps...You Got Gooooood Taste" smiley - smiley

What music do YOU like???

Post 4


I'm a big Metallica/Led Zep/Dire Straights/Queen fan. Just thought i'd mention it, seeing as you asked so nicely. smiley - bigeyes

What music do YOU like???

Post 5

The Wisest Fool

Hi MadMunk, thanks for that, I'm trying to get a handle on what people here listen to. Dunno why though smiley - smiley
Led Zep fan eh, yeah they were fantastic. I've seen Jimmy Page live, but I'm still not sure whether he actually ever existed. I think he's like Shakespeare, that there are a dozen guitarists who all go around saying they are him, he's written more memorable riffs than the rest of humanity combined.
My fave is "Kashmir", may Puff Daddy rot in hell smiley - smiley

What music do YOU like???

Post 6


Yes, Kashmir is a classic. My fav is No Quarter though, although i could sit here and reel of at least twenty which i consider my favourites.....
However, they do some stuff which i find i can't listen too, unless i'm mentally prepared for it (with a large, bulletproof skullcap)
I'm talking about 'House of the Holy' and 'Trampled Underfoot'.
I like those, but not all the time.
#In the eveniiiiinnnnngggggg........#

What music do YOU like???

Post 7

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

I've got a wide taste in music (some would argue "no taste"), but have a special place in my heart for parody artists such as "Wierd Al" Yanchovic. Not quite the first, but most definitely the best, are "Spike Jones and the City Slickers" - a band running from the 1930s - early 1960s, responsible for the seminal "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth". Spike has been described as the first punk, using live chickens, dustbin lids and blank-firing pistols in his rhythm section, and with vocal talent including Mel Blanc (The voice of Bugs Bunny etc.)!

I'm a sad man, and proud of it!

What music do YOU like???

Post 8


Well lets see, i am a fan of all kinds: for example, tori amos, beastie boys, the verve, rem, and cake. On the other hand i love musicals like rent, my fair lady, ect... In addition the doors, mamas and papas, bob dillon. Not to mention cyndi lauper, blondie and others. there are lots more i haven't even said.

does that answer your question?

What music do YOU like???

Post 9

The Wisest Fool

Thanks kat. At some point I'll collate this into a little chart. Maybe. Probably not.
I actually find knowing what music people are into tells me a lot more about them than reading their palm.
Probably 'cos I never tried to read palms smiley - smiley

I saw Tori Amos at Glastonbury festival last year and she was playing solo piano in front of over ten thousand people who were spellbound by her even though we were all up to our knees in mud and the rain kept pouring. That takes some doing. She is REALLY intense. She draws you into her world even though (may just be me) you don't really understand what she's singing about. I saw the lyrics to the "Boys For Pele" album and they may as well have been in Chinese, but they make a wierd subconcious connection when she sings them.

What music do YOU like???

Post 10


i have never gotten the chance to hear her live, but when i listen to her music it gives me this overwelming greatfulness for the beauty of life and the piano. and i just don't know how to put it into words. I find that under the pink is my favorite album of hers.

I know what you mean about learning about a person through what kind of music they like. It really gives you some insight you might not have otherwise.


What music do YOU like???

Post 11

The Wisest Fool

Under The Pink - "God" - say no more!

What music do YOU like???

Post 12

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

I saw Tori Amos at a small music building on the University of Colorado campus a few years back. I don't think that place seats more than three or four hundred, and it was packed to the rafters. It was the perfect place to see her.

Under the Pink is also my favorite.....especially "The Waitress"

"I want to kill this killing wish
they're too many stars and not enough sky"

What music do YOU like???

Post 13


my personal favorite is "cornflake girl", as i am in high school right now i can relate to it on many different aspects. on a side note i saw a modern dance show in which all the dances were done to tori music. It was really incredable.

What music do YOU like???

Post 14


I like a lot of stuff, but most of what I like has a TUNE. This means that it's usually hummable enough to mull over in the shower. This works just as well for classical music as for other types - although classical music doesn't usually have lyrics to remind you of the names of the tunes.

I am a bit of a blues fan, and love stuff by Tom Cochrane, Jeff Lang, The Chris Finnen Blues Band and John Lee Hooker. By the same token, however, I am an enormous fan of Steeleye Span, Paul Simon, The Beatles, Aerosmith, etc., etc. If it's tuneful, and it's got attitude, it's worth a bit of a listen. If it's really tuneful, I may even remember it...

What music do YOU like???

Post 15

The Wisest Fool

Thanks for that Hypoman.
Tunes help you breathe more easily.
I've just redone my homepage in homage to Roy Harper. Do you know his stuff?

What music do YOU like???

Post 16


No, I don't know his stuff, but I now know what to look for, and it's pretty easy to see why I should.

What music do YOU like???

Post 17


Ahhhhh I love music.....

I would have to say Jimi Hendrix is my all time favorite, but I have listened to lots of everything over the years. Anything (almost) 60's and 70's, stuff like the doors, led zep, cream, jethro tull, beatles, jj cale and more..... I also like Beck!

I used to play guitar in a band called mehelium. http://www.h2g2.com/A181720
Have a listen to the real audio tracks and let me know what you think......

An Interesting thing is my only brush with fame - my mother was the head of the Jose Feliciano fan club back in the seventies. I have now met Jose about 3 or 4 times throughout my life. I've been backstage and even got stoned with him in his hotel room. He is a really nice guy. http://josefeliciano.com/

What music do YOU like???

Post 18


Aren't we an eclectic bunch?

Own tastes : the Smiths (formative years); REM (difficult academic years); Elvis Costello, Neil Young, Billy Bragg, Pixies, PWEI (does anyone remember them? I saw then at Reading 10 years ago, and for some reason this year I have started listening to them again (still good)).

What music do YOU like???

Post 19

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

Shameless Self-Promotion:

Favorite band you've never heard of - The Suede Chain

Come and listen to the free samples smiley - smiley

What music do YOU like???

Post 20

The Wisest Fool

Thanks for that Frizzychick,

PWEI! I loved the Poppies. I used to be in a band with a Brummie who had been a drummer in 'From Eden' which featured some guys who were later in PWEI and The Wonderstuff. I must have seen both bands over a dozen times each. This was when I was at Keele Uni in the 80's and Grebo was a godsend for a student with no money to spend on clothes smiley - smiley

Favourite song...
*I want to get into it man, you know do my thing...*
"Not Now James, We're Busy"

The music press HATED them and yet they were well ahead of their time...lad culture, samples, supported Public Enemy. Great band.

BTW I advise people to see TVF's "Suede Chain" article. Good article. Interesting band.

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