A Conversation for Spiritualized


Post 1

The Wisest Fool

OK here are the answers...

(1) "Well well well...polish off the tarnish and make it shine"
- It was The Woodentops with "Well,Well,Well"

(2) "She said 'do these seats fold down', I said 'if you pull that handle'"
- It was Billy Bragg, "From A Vauxhall Velox"

(3) "I can already hear your tune calling me across the room. When the world and his wife are on my back again, not enough pleasure, too much pain"
- It was The Chameleons, "Swamp Thing"

(4) "Take the profit out of war, we don't need it anymore"
- It was Hull band The Red Guitars song "Fact"

(5) "So the band broke up ... and it looks like ... we will never play again, guess you only get once chance in life to play a song that goes like"..*TWANG*..."TURN IT DOWN!"
- It was from Frank Zappa's "Joe's Garage"

(6) "Twisted colours of never-ending dreams, I can't see what what these images mean.
Locked inside me, can't set the rainbow free, like the waves they flow and ebb in tide..."
- The Cult, "Revolution"

(7) "I want to take you home, I want to give you children and you might be my girlfriend yeah yeah yeah yeah"
- Pulp, "Babies"

(8) "Well the guns went off in my forehead, the guns went off in my chest"
- The Triffids, "Wide Open Road"

(9) "Don't forget to pack your wife"
- The Dead Kennedys "Holiday In Cambodia"

(10) "Jealousy is an essential part of love
The hurting here below and the emptiness above"
- The Wedding Present, "My Favourite Dress"

If anyone else gets all ten then they are obviously as sad as me!
Thanks for playing - have a fish smiley - fish

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