A Conversation for Spiritualized

Spiritualized line up

Post 1


I was particularly saddened to read about Jason Pierce sacking half of what was fantastic band. As I understand it, the group now consists of Pierce, keyboard player Thighpaulsandra (nice), saxaphonist Ray Dickaty and Kate Radley, who is supposedly 'ill', though I suspect that Dicky Ashcrofts hippy ways might have got to her.

I only got to like Spiritualized after 'Ladies and Gentlemen...' came out and haven't had the chance to see their live show, though judging from the Albert Hall live album it's something that I hope to see.

According to the NME (uk music rag, for anybody who cares) they are are playing the Edinburgh Flux Festival on the 28th of August with composer Steve Martland. When the two combined at the same festival last year the gig got rave reviews. (www.fluxfestival.com)

Spiritualized line up

Post 2

The Wisest Fool

Let's hope that the new line-up can take it somewhere interesting.
Talking Heads had 2 keyboard players when they did "Stop Making Sense" and that was an awesome live show. No drummer? I wonder if the old Spacemen 3 drum machine's being dusted down. Maybe JP's going to go all techno on us? We'll have to see I guess.

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