A Conversation for Hypatia's Grande Tour - Part Two

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 1

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi Hypatia,

Teuchter directed me here, as I went to the Chihuly exhibition every month for a year, met Teuchter at the London January Meet (where she was meant to meet us for the last of Chihuly's exhibition but didn't smiley - sadface) so I took her and Mr. T around the Wetlands instead.

Thanks for a lovely entry and if ever you are here again and you and T want to go to Kew let me know, as I am five minutes walk away (hence My Garden) and i'd be happy to give you a Guided Tour!!!

smiley - cheers

Please pop around sometime. You are welcome and I don't bite...

smiley - musicalnote

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 2


Hello. It's nice to meet you. smiley - smiley I'm glad Teuchter sent you along.

Lucky you to be so close to Kew! smiley - envy It was an amazing experience for me to see it. I'm extemely smug about it when visiting with my gardening friends here in the Ozarks. Do they give those of you who live nearby special admisssion rates so you can go whenever you please? It would be a wonderful place to walk for exercise.

I do plan a return trip one of these days. But it won't be soon. I have too much other stuff going on to be able to afford it this year. I have tentatively scheduled it for November of 2007. Nothing like planning in advance. smiley - laugh

Do you have a garden of your own?


Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 3

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Hi, nice of you to drop by. Anyone who is a friend of Teuchter and Mr. T is a friend of mine. She mentioned you often.

>>Do they give those of you who live nearby special admisssion rates so you can go whenever you please?<<

How I wish!!! My membership is £50:00 a year for unlimited access, and 6 day passes. It also lets me into Wakehurst Place but, as I am reliant on Public Transport, I have never been.

My flat, overlooking theThames (well, about 150 metres from it) is a first floor flat, so no garden smiley - sadface but I am more into nature with blood rather than Xylem and Phloem. This is why the often unvisited wild area of Kew is my favourite, rather than the over-visited greenhouses. Not that I am complaining. Kew is big enough for all, and has so much to offer for all.

I feel so lucky with Kew 5 minutes away, a Steam Museum (£5:00 membership) and shortly the newly revamped Automata Music Museum (£7:50 per annum) an equal distance, and a fully fledged Wetalnd Nature reserve only 30 minutes away. Truly blessed.

If you do visit in November, perhaps we could all meet up? It would be really good to meet you.

Take care.

smiley - musicalnote

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 4


I will definitely let you know when I'm coming so we can get together. smiley - smiley I would love to see Kew again. Teuchter is as much a gardenaholic as I am, so I'm sure she will be happy to visit again, too. It will be very interesting to see the garden in the autumn. smiley - ok

As much as I love gardening, each year it becomes more and more difficult for me. Sometimes I envy city dwellers who have an excuse not to have gardens of their own. I am switching to containers and large raised beds as much as possible to save on my back.

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 5

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

smiley - rofl I am with you on that one!

That is why Kew works, but with our Hose-pipe ban, it may create a problem later.

However, you and anyone else are welcome, at any time. smiley - ok

I am lucky in so far as Mum lives 50 yards away, and my sister lives 880 yards away, so accomadation is not a problem. smiley - ta

smiley - cheers

smiley - musicalnote

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 6


We have drought conditions as well. We are the driest we have been for 60 years. smiley - yikes

Good, it's settled then. The next time I am in England we will visit Kew. Last year we had a mini-meet in London while I was there. Maybe we can do something like that again, too. It was great fun.

And if you are ever in Southwest Missouri, you're always welcome at my humble abode. smiley - smiley

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 7

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

That is so kind of you. My family were given a smiley - book about the Mississippi/Missouri river. 30 years ago, and I have always wanted to visit, especially being a fiddle player. I love blue-grass, cajun, appalachian music, but it is so complex, I'd need weeks to learn it!!!

But Kew is a definite, as well as Sissinghurst in Kent (Anne Bolyen) and others. I'll get them checked out. I'm on the case I do not like the fact that people think that Britain is purely Buck House and The Houses of Parliament. smiley - tongueincheeksmiley - laugh

smiley - musicalnote

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 8


Fortunately there is a long time to plan. A year and a half. By the time the travelogue is finished you'll know what I have already seen. smiley - biggrin

Actually I would like to go to Kent. That is a family name on my mother's side of the family. smiley - smiley Isn't Canterbury in Kent? I'd like to see the cathedral. And the library where my friend David B the Singing Librarian Owl works. smiley - laugh They have so many mishaps that we call it the Library of Doom.

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 9

David B - Singing Librarian Owl

You (and indeed any of my hootoo friends) would be welcome to visit the smiley - drumroll Library of Doom for a guided tour at any time. Just make sure you bring a hard hat, face mask and gardening gloves to avoid all the lethal hazards... smiley - smiley

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 10

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Well, as it is my home City-ish, there is so much to see and do! The Cathedral, the Buffs Museum, The Rupert Bear tour, the Pilgrim's Experience, the Undercroft, Blackfriars, Westgate Tower, The Weaver's, Prince's Street (Best shopping in the smiley - earth) , The City Walls.

Although you, DB, will probably know it better, as I believe there has been massive regeneration recently, and that Riceman'ds has changed, the Bus Station has gone, and the whole surrounding area rebuilt. Then there is the Gem of Chilham Castle, and the Birds of Prey, not far away.

Ah! the County of Kent, Garden of England. Which reminds me I must get some Kent Wine for the London Meet.

I Must go back some time...

smiley - ok

smiley - musicalnote

Chihuly, Kew and my garden...

Post 11


Canterbury is positively on the list.I was thinking of starting in Canterbury and working my way north. The only catherdal I saw last time was Yorkminster. I'd like to see the major cathedrals next time.

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