A Conversation for Dragon information

Yin and Yang

Post 1


You may want to give your articles the minimal of research necessary to check spellings before you submit them. I believe the terms are Yin and Yang, but then it's not my article. Have fun.

smiley - towel

Yin and Yang

Post 2


I gave it more than the minimal amount of reaserch but I can never be sure

Yin and Yang

Post 3


My apologies.

There was something in a note you had written that had requested the assistance of readers regarding checking for spelling, etc., and specifically the terms 'Ying and Yang'. I was merely responding to that.

A quick Google search verified that the terms are Yin and Yang.

smiley - 2cents
smiley - towel

Yin and Yang

Post 4


thankssmiley - biggrin

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