Dragon information

2 Conversations

Dragons are mythological creatures who many people think actually exist.
This is possible because space is so huge that just about everything exists somewhere so dragons probably exist somewhere too. But what people want to know is if they exist here on earth. this is improbable but quite possible as is everything in this universe.
A typical dragon would probably have four legs two wings and a long tail.
The reason many people think dragons do exist is because all over the world dragons showed up in myth and literature before contact was made between all the worlds civilisations. These are in two main types Eastern and Western.

Eastern dragons:
These come from three main areas Japan, Korea and Indonesia and China. Of these the Chinese dragon is the best known. With five toes the Chinese dragon was considered imperial, if anyone other than the emperor of China was caught wearing it they were executed. the Chinese dragon has one hundred seventeen scales eighty one of them infused with Yang the good, thirty six infused with yin, the bad. This gives Chinese dragons their personality and temperament. Indonesian and Korean dragons have four toes and Japanese dragons three, But all are seen as good, even godlike creatures.

Western dragons:

These are the better known dragons, more common in games and books.(at least where I live.) they are generally evil and are believed to be the shape of the devil Itself in the Christian religeon. Western dragons generally have four legs and two very large wings these allow them to fly long distances.Saint George killed many western dragons according to Christian legend. Western dragons are relatively similar wherever they are found

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