Why be a Gem Polisher?

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The UnderGuide

The Gem Polishers are absolutely vital for the UnderGuide. They are the UnderGuide's equal to the Edited Guide's Sub-Editors, but generally have a smaller workload, which may indeed be an attraction for some people. Always remember that you should be doing the work of a Gem Polisher because they like the work and get satisfaction out of it.

Being a polisher gives you the same access to the editors, the writers and advanced knowledge of the UnderGuide as its Miners. They are able to know what entries are being picked and what is being done in the UG as soon as the miners do- because of a shared mailing list. They are invited to join in discussions on the mailing list, even if they are not miners1

Here are some things you would get out of being a Gem Polisher.

  • You may learn to edit, proofread and perhaps write better, which is a helpful skill for your life. Experience is always helpful for you, and we hope you benefit from it.

  • You get to see new developments in the scheme and the UnderGuide.

  • You get your name credited as the Editor in the entries you polish.

  • You get access to the UnderGuide mailing list, which is a very fun and entertaining place at times.

  • Kudos.

It isn't a great amount of work, much less than sub editors do. It's also a relatively light job to polish an entry, as you only brush the surface and correct small format, grammar and style issues. You don't have to check the content of the entry and you can leave the writing itself relatively untouched.

1Bear in mind that one can be a miner and polisher at the same time.

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