Gem Polishers' Code of Conduct
Created | Updated Jan 31, 2004
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Gem Polishers are under no specific obligations to polish any number of entries a week. If you have a personal commitment or simply can't find the time to polish an entry one week, let the editors know before they allocate an entry to you, and everything will be fine. You may also take longer breaks from polishing. However, if you continually do this, you will be asked if you want to continue to participate in this scheme.
You must also be willing to accept feedback from other polishers and the editors. In turn, you should give feedback to other polishers when needed. It helps the UnderGuide as a whole function better when there are entries that are polished the best they can be.
Being a gem polisher gives you essentially the same access to the UnderGuide as being a miner does. You get to see which entries are going onto the front page and when, you get to see which entries are being picked before anyone else, and you get to see the messages of the shared mailing lists with the miners1. So the main issue is to not discuss any of this with a non-UG-volunteer.