A Conversation for Official UnderGuide Miners' Survival Guide (UG)

U234368- Kat Volunteering

Post 1

Kat - From H2G2

Hey I'm already a scout and a gem-polisher and I'd like to be a miner too! Am I just doing it for all the emails that I get which make me feel popular? Possibly! However I really enjoy trawling through both PR and the AWW so I'd like to make it a bit more...solid you know?

U234368- Kat Volunteering

Post 2


Well, okay. smiley - smiley
I just gave you your email for the gem-polishers email, so you'll get invited to the UG forum, and just consider yourself a miner as well, and pay attention to miner emails. I assume you read the list of entries I directed you to, so I expect you know just about everything worth knowing... just remember to watch out for emails about allocation and voting rounds beginning. It's slightly different from the EG in process as we don't have the same tools they have.

You'll be expected to make two votes during the beginning of voting rounds. Each entry requires a nomination and a seconding vote to assure quality before it goes off towards the Eds for approval. The miners are given a list of entries for seconding, but it's always nice to nominate things. You can nominate two, second two, or do one of each. It's entirely up to you.

This'll be useful... we're in dire need of more votes and more AWW commenters.
smiley - ok

smiley - blacksheep

U234368- Kat Volunteering

Post 3

Mrs Zen

Brilleroonies! Welcome Kat!


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