A Conversation for Slipper When Wet

Alternative Writing Workshop: A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 1


Entry: Slipper When Wet - A108217
Author: sanityclause - U48108

Quite a provocative read. Stick with it, and you'll be surprised where it goes.

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 2


Wow. That was really good. Sort of straining on the eyes, but that might just have been the intent.

smiley - aliensmile

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 3

LL Waz

That was a real find Pin. Going to be difficult to get my mind back on work after reading that one.

To anyone else who takes a look at this - don't let the lack of paragraphs put you off. I think it's part of how this piece works and it's well worth the eyestrain.

A gem, I think.

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 4


Hi all, smiley - smiley

this is indeed an engaging piece, smiley - ok, though not so keen on the suggestion that the 'block' format is an intentional 'device' to achieve the desired effect of disturbing the reader.

Indeed, looking at the test1233456 version of the page, you can see that the author split it into paras when writing. smiley - sadface

The writing itself is very effective. I'd say more, but i'm just wondering whether the author is aware that it's here in the aww...

One specific point - I had to double back and reread the section late on when the narrator seems to switch briefly and seamlessly from the 'original I' to 'I - Andy' and back to the 'original I'.

This *does* appear to be an intentional device, and could work well, but i felt it was just so abrupt and unannounced that it took me out of the narrative completely and prematurely.

others, of course, may not agree. smiley - smiley

anyway, ta, Pinniped, for dropping it in here, smiley - ok. Might you let us know whether you informed the author that you were doing so...

*back in the forum after a (nother) prolonged absence - who knows how long for*

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 5


ah, I see the auteur sports spades, burners and a spangly jumpsuit! smiley - blush

But there *is* an automated 'Your entry has been submitted...' message on their PS, so praps there'll be a siting soon... smiley - winkeye

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 6


hmm, for 'spades' read 'shades'

By the way, is anyone else wondering about the title? Is there a missing letter? Should i be concerned that it sounds even ruder to me without the missing unknown element?

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 7


Hi Spiff
No, I didn't try contacting the author - just assumed that anyone who last posted in 1999 wasn't going to be around.
You've got me thinking about the etiquette, now, though. I've always thought that anyone who doesn't select 'Not for Review' will be grateful for a review forum pick. I always am. Aren't we all?
And I don't get the title either. But I do really admire the piece.

A108217 - Slipper When Wet

Post 8

pussycat1973 (Unofficial h2g2 Ranger)

Fantastic piece of proseand seems to be inciteful. This needs to go further.

UG when 'qualit'

Post 9

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