A Conversation for How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 21


yeah, i noticed that yesterday and slapped my head in a frustrated manner.
i went to buy painkillers and noticed my reciept on the way home.

anyway yeah, that was more or less what i was planning on doing.

i did try to link directly to a map of camden on multimap, but it didn't work, but i've put a link to multimap and from there if you bang camden into the wee box it'll bring up the map. that shows both stations. would that be enough or would it be worth trying to find a map to link directly to?

i'll definately put up the info on the north london line.

thanks loads.

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 22

Number Six

I reckon it's always better to link to the front page of a site if possible, rather than a specific page on that site. That way, the link is much less prone to becoming broken if the site changes the names of their pages or the way the site is ordered.

How's the update going, by the way?

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 23

Jimi X

Welcome back Kate!

This is looking very good. But as the esteemed Number 6 asked, are you happy/finished with this yet?

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 24

Number Six

smiley - 2cents I think the added dimension of the Camden Road station directions will be worth waiting for...

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 25

Number Six

Are you going to finish this off with the North London line stuff, Kate? smiley - grovel

It's a great entry and I think it'd make a worthwhile addition to the Edited Guide.

Number Six

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 26


Kate seems to be heading towards MIA status. I don't know if this is permanent or what, as they seem to know Peta IRL and have been involved with the guide back in the very early days.

Does anyone think that this is recommendable as it stands, and we'll ask for the SubEd to put in the links and the North London line stuff?

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 27

Number Six

Certainly - can I volunteer to be the said sub?

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 28


Oh I'm so pleased you agree. I've got a pick going begging at the moment you see smiley - winkeye

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 29

Number Six

Thought you might!

smiley - mod

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 30

h2g2 auto-messages

Your Guide Entry has just been picked from Peer Review by one of our Scouts, and is now heading off into the Editorial Process, which ends with publication in the Edited Guide. We've therefore moved this Review Conversation out of Peer Review and to the entry itself.

If you'd like to know what happens now, check out the page on 'What Happens after your Entry has been Recommended?' at EditedGuide-Process. We hope this explains everything.

Thanks for contributing to the Edited Guide!

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 31


What a great little entry. Well done smiley - biggrin

Congratulations - Your Entry has been Picked for the Edited Guide!

Post 32


Good to see this one on its way to the Edited Guide! smiley - musicalnotesmiley - bubblysmiley - ok

Sub-ed checking in

Post 33

Number Six

Well, as suspected, I've become the appointed sub for this lovely little entry - I will be working on the new version over at A1152965, but first I will take a two-week holiday because this life is getting me down smiley - winkeye

I'm not leaving until Monday, but I'm minimising h2g2 activity after tonight due to still being on shift at work and needing to sort my real life out before departure...

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 34


hi guys
i'm sorry, i'm not here very much at the minute 'cos i'm trying to organise myself for going to uni in a few weeks.
i am still here though! vaguely...
what do i need to be doing?

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 35

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Well done Kate, I knew this one would make it smiley - cheers

You don't need to do anything now, other than to go to the link which Number Six gave for the new copy of your entry and subscribe to its conversation forum so that you'll know when anyone posts there smiley - smiley

smiley - geeksmiley - online2longsmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - hangoversmiley - ok

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 36


Hiya Kate, good to know you haven't disappeared.

There was some debate about including information about the north London line into the entry and that that would make it good to go. However as you hadn't been around for a while we desided to circumvent the normal process for dealing with good entries written by missing researchers. So we went and picked it for inclusion in the guide. The SubEd for the entry, Number Six, will be writing some bits extra as part of his sub-editing duties to bring this fully up to Edited Guide standard.

However, now that you're back, if you want to add to what you've written I see no reason why you shouldn't. The best way of doing so would be to post the changes that you would like to make in the thread here rather than make any changes to the entry itself. This is because the entry as it stands has been copied and sent to Number SIx for him to work on. Therefore if you significantly change what you've written here it won't resemble his working copy and he'll get all confused, bless.

Does all that make sense? I do hope so. And finally welcome back and thanks for writing a great guide entry smiley - smiley

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 37

Number Six

Right, I've made the promised changes - if everyone could take a couple of minutes to pop over to A1152965 and check it out, I'd be really grateful. See you back here shortly, hopefully!

I need to get this back to the Editors by Friday, and will send it off even in the absence of comment...

smiley - mod

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 38


that's fantastic - thanks so much!

A1080695 - How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

Post 39

Number Six

smiley - biggrin

It was a pleasure, I'm glad you like it, and I shall send it off to the Italics forthwith...

smiley - run

smiley - mod

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