How to get to music venues in Camden, London, UK

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Going to a gig in Camden? Not a clue how to get there? You are not alone.

Camden venues are notoriously small and difficult to find.
The following is a quick guide to finding some of those infamous toilet venues.

Camden itself is renowned as the heart of alternative culture in London. There are several markets which are full of those essential badges and boots and soforth you'll want to wear to gigs.

Camden Town tube station is on the Northern line, and crosses both branches, which means you'll need your wits about you to figure out what train you need to get on. The last trains are just before midnight, so it's worth considering giving yourself a bit extra time to negotiate the four platforms. Have a look at a tube map and make sure you've got your journey home figured out. It's not nice to have to sleep on a roundabout in Islington because you went the wrong way round the Circle line and ended up missing your train.

Camden geography centres round the High Street and Chalk Farm Road, where there are many interesting boutiques and restraunts, but they're a wee bit expensive, as is much of Camden, unfortunately. A map may well come in handy, but this comes with a warning. It's not a fantastic idea to stand on street corners in the dark, staring at a map, making at blatantly obvious that you don't know where you are, especially if you're a girl or in some way don't look like you can defend yourself. It's unpleasant, but much of London is not the safest place in the world. If you're not sure of how to get back to the tube station, ask someone at the venue before you leave or, even better, take friends.

If you want to see what's on in Camden, a great listings website is is also quite good, and is available on WAP.

Finally, have fun. Camden venues, for all their faults, have some of the best atmospheres in the world. And make sure you see the support bands - you neve know when you'll miss the next Manic Street Preachers or the next Pulp.

Barfly @ The Monarch

Come out of Camden tube station on the right-hand side and turn right, heading down Camden High Street. It's quite a way down, unfortunately. Go past the market, over the canal, under the bridge, straight ahead at the lights, past the garage, the mexican, the massage parlour, and you're there, opposite the Sainsburys petrol station.

The stage itself is out the door at the back and up some stairs, and the decent toilets are out the door at the back and down some stairs - where there is also a fag machine and a cash machine.

The Barfly empire is steadily growing, and they really do support 'their bands'. Second to the Castle, the Barfly is a good bet for a random gig. They're almost all, without exception, over-18s gigs, but so long as you're dressed relatively casually and don't look obvious, you don't need to worry overmuch about taking ID. There's a definate 'muso' atmosphere - the crowd are genuinely interested in the bands and are driven by the drive to find The Next Big Thing. It's one of the worst for 'the cemicircle of doom' - people standing as far away from the stage as possible. Don't be scared to break that - go up to the front and dance if you want to. The bands'll appreciate it.

Camden Palace (for FeetFirst)

This one's quite a way from Camden tube. You're best to go to Mornington Crescent. You come out of the station, go round the corner to the right and there is is, all lit up in neon.

However, if Mornington Crescent is closed (as it often is) it is entirely possible to walk from Camden Town. It's about 15 minutes' brisk walk. At the top of the escalators, turn right. Then turn left out of the station and head straight up the road you're on. Just keep going. The Palace is on your side of the road.

The only reason you'll usually be going to the Palace will be for FeetFirst. This clubnight starts at 9pm every Tuesday and carries on til 2pm. It's technically an over-18s night, but most of the audience are about 16 - little rock kids. Clothes-wise, anything goes, but comfy shoes for dancing are highly reccomended. There's a band on at about midnight and about half the time they'll blow you away. It's pot luck really, unless you've heard of the band before. There's fliers available to print out on that'll get you in for £3, or alternatively take an NUS card if you have one.

The Dublin Castle

This one's a little way out. It's always further than you think it is, but the bonus is it's right opposite a certain estate agents...Hotblack Desiato!

Anyway, to get to this one you turn right at the top of the escalators of the tube station and come out on Camden High Street. Cross over the road - preferably at the crossing. You're at a crossroads, right on the corner. Head straight up the road you're on, away from the Tube Station - this road is called Parkway. Stay on that side of the road. You'll go past Starbucks and the Jazz Cafe and some pasta restraunts and The Spread Eagle and a Laundrette and a cinema - not necessarily in that order. But eventually you will come to the Dublin Castle. It's a pub. There are big signed Travis posters and an interesting Juke Box. There's big doors at the back - thems are the doors to the venue itself.

The Dubin Castle have bands on every night, and it's usually your best bet if you just feel like going to a gig. At least one of the bands will be fantastic. It's easy enough to get hold of a flier to get in for a couple of quid cheaper, and there's also usually an NUS discount. The vibe's pretty laid-back. Anything goes. Punk kids, ageing hippies and glam addicts are in equal abundance.

The Electric Ballroom

This one's on the way to the Monarch. Not even as far down as the market though. More or less right next to the station.

Full Tilt, the big goth clubnight, is held here every friday, and everyone goes all out to dress up for it, which is a lot of fun.

The Underworld

This venue is quite literally under the World's End pub. Hence the rather witty name. Directly opposite Camden Town tube station - you get to the top of the escalators and turn left and go out that way. You can't miss it.

It's not the best in terms of atmosphere, as in a large part of the venue the stage isn't easily visable, but it's generally quite clean and they're pretty quick to serve at the bar.

The feel varies from gig to gig, as they tend to play host to many different types of bands. Often when a big band wants to play a small gig, they'll play the Underworld.

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