A Conversation for UnderGuide Archives: Chronological


Post 1


Apologies for only just discovering this, but Deconstruction and Tea (5 Feb 05) is wrongly credited to me. I only polised it, it was written by e[version] - U112973

Also, this page displays weird on my screen; there are lots of little blocks for characters not supported which makes it look strange. Is this intentional?


Post 2

UnderGuide Archivist - Visit The UnderGuide: A2112490

Hi broe
(Congrats btw, great news!)

I changed that attrib. Thanks for noting it.

Those funny chars certainly look deliberate. They're 'thinsp&' chars if that means anything to you. There are zillions of them down theresmiley - huh

I'm not going to try change anything quite so sophis. just yet if that's OK.

Pinsmiley - smiley (still finding his flukes)


Post 3

darakat - Now with pockets!

The good old thinsp& was the only HTML tool I was able to use to create spaces on the page that separated things like links and the such, I am sure there is an easier way just not one that GuideGML would allow me to use.

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