A Conversation for National League Baseball Teams of America


Post 1

Jimi X

Through the 1970s, 1980s and early 1990s, Pirate performance was nothing great, but at the same time, they didn't do terribly.

The 79 World Series? Willie Stargel and the 'We are Family' squad in those awful uniforms?

You should probably mention that they challenged for the pennant in the early 90s and then sold off all their talent (Bonds, Bonilla, Jay Bell, and a whole slew of pitchers). That's when their performance kind of stagnated.

I wonder if Bonds would have made a clean throw to the plate and nailed Sid Bream lumbering home if the franchise might have gone in a different direction. Instead Bream beat a 5-hopper to the plate even though he didn't have any knees...

Also, perhaps a mention of why they were called 'Pirates' - I seem to recall it was because they 'pirated' players from other teams back in the early days (oh the irony!).

And you've still got a few Pittsburghs without the 'h'.

smiley - cheers
- X

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