A Conversation for National League Baseball Teams of America


Post 1

Jimi X

When the Rockies drafted their team in the expansion draft, a lot of experts were surprised that they sought veteran players like Charlie Hayes instead of young prospects. However, the strategy paid off with a playoff spot in 19XX under then-manager Don Baylor.

Also, given its high altitude, home games in Denver frequently feature home runs. This is due to the ball 'carrying' farther in the thin air and that breaking pitches (like a curve ball) tend to 'break' less in the thin air.

Pitchers always suffer higher earned run averages and hitters always have inflated hit and homer totals.

smiley - 2cents
- X


Post 2


Thanks Jimi. I'll add that stuff right away, and if I don't comment on one of the other team threads, it simply means I'll add it (Mustn't be spamming smiley - smiley)

smiley - blacksheep

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