A Conversation for How your computer and you start their day

Flea Market: A1073891 - How your computer and you start their day

Post 1

Bob McBob

Entry: How your computer and you start their day - A1073891
Author: Bob McBob - U222236

Can someone make something of this? I placed it in Peer Review and they tore it to shreds, changing a more-or-less good idea into babble done by comittee. I disown this entry completely.

A1073891 - How your computer and you start their day

Post 2

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Bob! May I call you, Bob? Bob, I'm an Aggist. That means I don't need to read the Peer Review thread to know what they said. And it means you have my sympathy.

Take a look at this:


And get back to me.
No rush; our weekly presence in smiley - thepost is on hold for the summer. So your predicament is timely and I'm sure we can draw some attention to your plight before Hallowe'en.
smiley - pumpkin

A1073891 - How your computer and you start their day

Post 3

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Perhaps I should add for the benefit of anyone else who has had something put in the Flea Market over the past few weeks that we { <./>AggGag</.> } would be happy to hear from any of you that feel your entry deserves a wider audience. No promises mind you, but we'll be coming back into smiley - thepost in a few weeks and we'll be needing writers and editors and lots of lost and overlooked entries.

smiley - biggrin

A1073891 - How your computer and you start their day

Post 4

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

And if I was allowed to start a new conversation in this forum I would re-post that last message for all Flea Market subscribers to see.

Under the subject line:
"Spam and AggGags"

*oh, Anna where are you when I need you...*

smiley - winkeye

A1073891 - How your computer and you start their day

Post 5


I really like this article. It's not Edited Guide material, so I'd like to propose Back to Entry, but it has a fun, enjoyable unique idea at its core.smiley - applause

Did anything happen with this on the <./>AggGag</.>/CAC side? I couldn't find anything, which is a pity.


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