A Conversation for Planning a Surprise Party
I always wanted
Queeglesproggit - Keeper of the evil Thingite Avon Lady Army and Mary Poppins's bag of darkness.. Posted Aug 22, 2003
I always wanted one too, and still do! Unlikely though, as I'm the only one in the family now that makes a real effort for their birthdays
I had a party like that too - my 11th, the whole class had been invited and only 5 or 6 people turned up (odd, cuz they'd been to my parties before!), I think it's cuz the times on the invitations were mixed up, but only by half an hour! I felt more sorry for the kid who'd got the date mixed up and turned up the day after! Had to tell him the party was the day before.. poor thing! Even forgot to give him a bit of cake
But... thanks to FriendsReunited, I was able to contact him after all these years and apologise for forgetting to give him cake
I always wanted
Mojo's big stick Posted Aug 26, 2003
Surprise Party?
That would be when I was seven and a classmate invited us to her Birthday Party on a Saturday afternoon. Only then she forgot. We turned up in party dresses, expecting musical chairs and cake. The girl opened the door, took the presents then told us we couldn't come in. Boy, were we surprised.
Turns out her mother had gone shopping and she was home alone. We were all upset and our parents were livid. She was not the most popular girl in the class after that.
Or maybe it's the time I went to a fancy dress party, but the vicious hostess "forgot" to tell everyone else it was fancy dress. That was a very unpleasant surprise and no, I still haven't forgiven her.
Mojo (in a red-faced, Bridget Jones, it really isn't funny when it happens to you mood...)
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I always wanted
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