A Conversation for Suggestions, Problems and Queries
BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
[...] Started conversation Jun 9, 2003
You haven't been watching very well Listy... What's-his-face... erm... *checks notepad* Cyzaki has 'escaped'...
posted yesterday... front page... collaboration--children's Q's... 'is god the easy way out convo...
*Rimmer salute!*
BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY! Posted Jun 9, 2003
Listy is no longer Big Sis... Been taken over by Optical Illusion
my internet doesnt like me and Im going back to school.... sorry
BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY! Posted Jun 9, 2003
Listy is no longer Big Sis... Been taken over by Optical Illusion
my internet doesnt like me and Im going back to school.... sorry
BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
Loup Dargent Posted Jun 10, 2003
work still... and a very good attempt at snitching...
creachy did one like that on me in week 1 [] but the trick is to catch the "escapees" while they're posting outside the House.. if they've come back before Big Sis has been alerted then it only shows that they're very good at it... hehe...
also it's rather a blurred line when it comes to certain H2G2 activities... but that's another story....
anyway.... on my way to vote for rimmer as an encouragement for more snitching in future...
BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
Loup Dargent Posted Jun 10, 2003
twas the wrong rimmer...
mmmm... that means that my previous post needs some editing...
good work rimmer [the one NOT in Big Sis House] for your outstanding service to the Big Sister experiment...
the snitching bit obviously doesn't apply to you [] as you're not a contestant [i think i've got it right now..
hehe... on my way to find somewhere to hide...
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BS isn't watching- The world loves a b-----d
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